capito goes international:

Here are our project results

Here you can find our project results. You can use and modify them as you wish:

  • Would you like to find out more about accessible communication? Check out our material and learn more about it.
  • Do you facilitate trainings on Easy-to-Read? Make them more interesting and effective with our material.
  • Do you want to raise your co-workers’ awareness for certain topics? Pick the exercises you need!

Most of the material is available in German, English, French and Italian.
You can use everything for free (but you cannot sale or use the material commercially). The only requirement? Please always name our project.

Let’s make the world easier to understand together. Have fun!

Our guidelines

Here you can find guidelines in French, Italian and English. Find out how to produce easy to understand and accessible information! You will also discover the topics that deserve particular attention in each language. At the end, there are answers to 5 frequently asked questions!

Our training modules

Time for the practical part! Here you will find modules on various topics related to Easy-to-Read and accessibility:

  • Images in Easy-to-Read texts
  • Accessible PDF documents
  • Facilitation of testing groups that check a text’s comprehensibility
  • Good audio quality and subtitles for videos
  • Interview with people who have Easy-to-Read needs

The modules are flexible, you can use them in full or in part. All modules are available in German, French, Italian and English.

Our curriculum for an instructional course

We want to make Easy-to-Read trainings more inclusive and effective. How can we do that? Involving people with Easy-to-Read needs helps!
That is why we developed this curriculum. You can use it to organise an instructional course for co-trainers. Co-trainers are people with Easy-to-Read needs. After your instructional course, they can support you in your Easy-to-Read trainings. They can share their perspectives and explain why Easy-to-Read is so important.

Co-funded by the European Union Logo - capito

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.